Junctional Thinking

An Unfiltered Economist's Take On Evaluating For Impact

Episode Summary

The opportunity to apply knowledge for practical purposes is something Junctional Thinkers hold dear. And while it's one thing to be well educated, it's something else entirely to be willing to put it to use with your own flavor and perspectives mixed in. Keith Ives who has has taken an interesting route to this point in his career, and we get into bits of that en route to talking about Causal Design the for-profit economic analysis and evaluation form he co-founded 6 years ago w/ a colleague from grad school at Georgetown University. We cover all the Junctional Thinking bases in a rapid-fire 45 minutes. There are some unfiltered parts where the more traditionally-minded may want to cover their ears, but you can trust that it's all worth a listen. Powered and distributed by Simplecast.